4 Tips for Successfully Recruiting your CX & Contact Centre Teams

By Tenacity CX

Whilst employees are your greatest asset, they are also one of the largest expenses incurred by any CX or Contact Centre business. Mary Sparrow, our Senior Account Manager knows all too well how expensive the recruitment process can be for many of our clients, so here are her tips to ensure you maximise your return on investment;

Set a time frame

It’s important to get a realistic time frame in place before you start your recruitment process.

  • Is this a new position or are you replacing an existing employee?
  • When are they leaving?
  • How long do you need for a handover?
  • If there isn’t adequate time for a handover, how will the work be distributed among the team whilst hiring is taking place? Or do you need a temp to cover before your employee leaves?

Compile a Job Description

An official job description is essential part of hiring a new employee to enable applicants to know exactly what is expected of them within the role. A job description will increase the professionalism for your brand and help you stand out from your competition if your applicant is also pursuing other opportunities.

  • Involve your staff in the process of compiling the job description so that the duties are accurate and current.

The Interview

Again, it’s important to remember that not only the applicant is being assessed. Experienced candidates are often out on multiple interviews and will also be evaluating your business against other opportunities they are currently pursuing. Therefore, it’s important to ensure your first impression is a positive representation of your brand to establish an edge over your competition.

  • Be flexible with interview times – be mindful that dedicated employees may not want to take time off work, provide after hours alternatives if needed.
  • Ensure the interviewer is trained in interviewing techniques and is well prepared for the interview. Compile a set of dedicated questions for all candidates to ensure a means of comparison and evaluation at the conclusion of all interviews.
  • Establish rapport with your interviewee, get to know a little about their personality to ascertain if they will be a good team fit for your organisation.
  • Sell your brand – highlight the benefits of working for your company and why your existing team like working there. Describe the company culture and any points of difference about your product or brand.
  • Welcome any questions or concerns.
  • Enquire if they have interviewed for other roles and at what stage of the process they are at. Get a feel for where this job sits in comparison to others they have interviewed for. You don’t want any surprises at offer stages.

Hiring Decisions

Try to complete your first round of interviews within a week. Statistics show that candidates interest levels deteriorate with time and other opportunities may present themselves. You don't want to lose top talent due to lengthy delays.

Make an offer that is within the advertised or discussed remuneration bracket, ensuring the offer is better than what they are currently receiving. You want your new employee to start with a favourable impression of your company and not be left feeling short changed or devalued.

Got a vacancy you need filling? The Tenacity CX team are here to help! Or if you’d like some advice on your next hire, contact Mary Sparrow