An Event to Remember: The Customer Show (Sydney) 2023

By Tenacity CX

We had a brilliant time at The Customer Show Sydney with hundreds of CX and contact centre leaders visiting our stand.

It was great to catch up with friends both old and new. If we had a dollar for every fantastic conversation we had, well, let's just say we'd be sipping cocktails on a private island right now!

We were buzzing with excitement (and maybe a tad too much coffee) as we set up our stand, eagerly awaiting the influx of curious minds. And boy, did they arrive in droves!

What quickly became clear is that ChatGPT and AI are the talk of the town. We were swamped with questions about how these technologies might shape the future of CX. While we don’t think ChatGPT will be answering all customer queries in the near future, it is clear that automation is going to impact the contact centre and even transform the work of agents.

The second hot topic that had our booth buzzing was the ever-elusive quest for top-tier talent. It seems like everyone is having a hard time of it, with many sharing tales of making offers to the perfect person, only to be trumped by another employer days later.

As you probably know, we have been working our socks off over the past 18 months, surveying both employers and employees about job preferences and the future of work. In our recent reports we have gathered the latest insights and research on the Australian CX and contact centre job market.

While there’s no silver bullet, our findings suggest that reinventing your Employee Value Proposition and overhauling your recruitment process for the remote, digital age can help you improve your ability to attract and retain talent.

The devil is in the detail, of course, so to read our research and recommendations in full head here to download our latest white paper on The Future of Work.

And if you want to pick our brains further about the current job market, just give us a call or drop us an email.