Candidate Survey Results July 2022

By Tenacity CX

What do candidates want from Australian employers?

Everyone wants to know, in this crazy job market, what more they can do to attract and keep employees.

So we asked over 100 candidates we've recently placed into contact centre and CX roles to tell us exactly what they're looking for:

  • Do they want to work at home, in the office, or in a hybrid arrangement?
  • What most motivates them to stay with their current employer?
  • What would most attract them to a new job?
  • What's important to them during the application process?

The results are both surprising and reassuring. Download them here:

Candidate Survey Results

Download the results of our "Candidate Survey July 2022" to find out what candidates want from employers in the current Australian job market.

Headline Findings ...

Pay & promotions

With a candidate short market and with a building cost of living crisis it’s not surprising that candidates want higher pay and promotion opportunities.


Now that it’s been proven they can work from home during lockdowns, they also want to keep the improved work/life balance this brings.

Values & speed

Everything else is secondary, although candidates do prefer organisations that share their values, and speed of response is important in the recruitment process