Tenacity CX's tips to get your resume noticed!

By Tenacity CX

Hiring managers review hundreds of resumes on a daily basis so it’s important to stand out from your competition when applying for your next contact centre job or jobs in customer experience or customer transformation.

Your resume is a digital representation of yourself. Handle it like an advertisement of your capabilities and what you can bring to a future employer. You want to leave them wanting to meet you.You need to capture the attention of your perspective employer within the first 10 seconds of opening your resume by highlighting your skills and experience relevant to the contact centre or customer experience job you are applying for. Keep in mind that hiring managers and recruiters look through large volumes of resumes and are often skim reading, searching for specific skills, terms or experience as well as particular company names that may indicate your experience or suitability to their position. Therefore, it is vital that your resume catches their attention immediately or you risk being overlooked.

Before you start consider the following:

  • Keep your CV to no more than 2 pages in length
  • Avoid tables, extravagant graphics and cluttered layouts
  • Ensure your CV is clear and concise – with lots of white space – less is more!
  • Make a point of addressing the criteria of the job you’re are applying for
  • Explain any gaps in your employment history
  • Proof read – check for spelling mistakes
  • Ensure your social profiles, namely LinkedIn, are up to date as you can be assured your potential employer will investigate your online presence

Here is the layout that we recommend:

Contact details

Name, mobile contact number and email address.

Professional Summary

This is your opportunity to sell yourself in 50 to 100 words. What value you can add to your future employer. This should be tailored to the job requirements of the role you are applying for. Your objective should be to leave the hiring manager thinking “we need this candidate working for our business!”

Employment background

Start with your current position and work your way back. Where possible ensure your responsibilities are relevant to the key areas outlined in the job description of the role you are applying for. Be sure to include major achievements or outstanding sales figures or client acquisitions etc. that relate to the roles you are applying for in each of your previous positions.

Example below:

  • Employer Name Dates of employment (month and year)
  • Job Title
  • Responsibilities – bullet form
  • Achievements – short sentence at the bottom of each position of what you achieved in the position, include sales figures etc.
  • Education/ Qualifications

Keep it short and relevant to the role.


Available on request. Do not list them on your resume. These can be offered to your potential employer during the interview stages. Remember to contact your referees before providing their details.

Always have someone read over your resume once complete checking for mistakes and ensuring your content is relevant, concise, well formatted and opens correctly from another computer.

Contact our team if you’d like some help with your resume.